During the conference WORK/STRIKE (Dresden, 2016) team2 feat. Rosa Klee and FAU Dresden openeden the Freizeitklub, a space for gathering and discussing about working conditions and organization in the arts. The questionnaire for cultural workers and the presentation of our own art works on these topics were linked to this place.
The “Freizeitklub” is a possible location for spending one’s after work hours. It is also part of the conference. Back strains, workwear, the evening beer, the satisfaction of having worked and casual clothes regularly met at this venue. These after hours only lasted till the next morning. At our venue, the “Freizeitklub” is a place to discuss one’s own after work hours (in case they exist): Is it possible to say “No” to images? Does culture come to an end after a long working day? Join your local union!
(All photos: Elsa Hennig)